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Social Work

This guide is a collection of resources to make research and library use easier for the social work students, faculty, and staff. It's designed as a central hub of information about the library & its social work-related resources.

Did you know that you can reserve books online ahead of your visit so that they're ready for you to pick up? Books can be requested through OneSearch using the Request Item option. (See our Onesearch how-to guide for more info on using Onesearch.) Once you've placed a request, you will receive confirmation when the item is ready for you to pick up.

You can also stop by the library to browse for books, use computers or study rooms, and borrow reserve textbooks. Ask for assistance at the Circulation & Reserves desk, or at the Reference desk.

Finding Books & Ebooks

Social work is an interdisciplinary field and can include topics related to psychology, research methods, government policies, healthcare, diversity studies, and social sciences. If you'd like to browse the library's print collection, the majority of social work print resources can be found under the Library of Congress (LC) "HV" call number in the library's stack collection. Call number HV encompasses subject areas related to social services, social welfare, criminology, social justice, and social work with families, children, teenagers, elderly people, people with disabilities, etc.

You can also find any bookprint or digitalby using OneSearch. You can search for specific titles, or even keywords related to social work topics.

york library featured resourcs collections social work


York Library has put together several featured collections of print & online materials to highlight specific resources, including social work. You can browse the Social Work Collection and even search within the collection to find key resources in your field.

MSW Course Texts

The library is committed to providing course texts for the MSW program. Publisher restrictions mean that not all texts are available to us to purchase in electronic format, but we update our collection whenever we are able to do so. Books linked below are available in print or digital form as noted. Other texts that we do not currently have available are listed, and we will purchase and update this list whenever possible.

SCWK 501
SCWK 503
SCWK 505


Human Behavior and the Social Environment 

Rogers, Anissa

4th Ed


SCWK 507
SCWK 601
SCWK 603
SCWK 605
SCWK 607

Advocacy for Better Health care: Linking Evidence- Based Medicine and Ethics With Case and Policy Advocacy

Jansson, Bruce S. 



Handbook of Health Social Work 

Mccoyd, Judith L.M.

3rd Ed

SCWK 609