We hope you enjoy the Spring 2019 edition of LibWire!
—Editorial team
Inside this issue:
Greetings from the Chief Librarian
Congratulations to Our College Assistants
Retirement of Professor Christina Miller
In Memoriam: Robert Machalow, York’s Longest-Serving Chief Librarian
In Memoriam: George M. Bailey, York’s First Chief Librarian
Changing Roles of Academic Librarians in the Era of Open Science
Is This Journal Peer Reviewed? Using EBSCO to Find Out
York College Library's IT Project Deployment
Tablet Circulation Policy
Plant Revitalization Project
Not Just Cataloging
Library Exhibits:
York Common Reader: This I Believe
Revolution in the Rearview: A Look Back at the 60s
Faculty Scholarship & Creative Works
York College Library in 2018-2019
York College Library remains a vital organ of the campus, the intellectual heart of the college; it is a repository of scholarship where all aspects of the student experience, especially studying and learning, intersect. Library faculty and staff remain committed to supporting the educational mission of the college and the evolving curricula. This includes providing dependable access to a supportive learning environment that meets the instructional and research needs of both faculty and students. It is an integral part of everyday services to welcome all library users regardless of cultural, ethnic, academic, or economic backgrounds.
The role of the Library is to support students’ success by demonstrating how to master information seeking skills, how to use scholarly resources, and discern valuable research. In our continued efforts to support student learning, the Library provides remote access to electronic resources, offers research services at the Reference Desk, and teaches Information Literacy classes. The Library faculty’s commitment to meet the research needs of the college’s growing and diverse population of graduate and undergraduate students remains strong. During the past academic year (2018-2019), the Library experienced many budgetary and personnel challenges, nevertheless we were undeterred in our efforts to deliver quality services to our users. Likewise, the Library’s Higher Education Assistant, College Laboratory Technician, and College Assistants have worked tirelessly both behind the scenes and on the front lines to ensure students receive the updated and expanded services they deserve.
The Library’s Information Literacy instruction program continues to grow and remains very active. Information Literacy is the set of skills required to identify, retrieve, organize, and analyze information and are critically important for success in research and beyond. Over the past academic year, the Library Department partnered with classroom faculty and the General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) to directly measure students’ learning outcomes. The Library offered several information literacy sessions for English and Biology courses where students were given pre- and post-instruction assessments to measure the effectiveness of instruction. The results were then shared and analyzed with GEAC. Since assessment is a holistic and ongoing process, the Library will continue to collaborate with the committee and other departments to continually monitor how we can best make a positive impact on student success.
As York College offers more graduate programs, the Library must employ creative solutions to adapt accordingly in its role as an active learning environment. To address growing space concerns, we relocated furniture and reconfigured bookshelves to provide greater accommodation for students’ study space needs, including increasing collaborative shared spaces and quiet individual areas to study. Equally important, the Library continues to advocate for a vibrant, technologically-rich physical space for students. Our partnership with Information Technology (IT), Student Development, and the Student Government Association (SGA) remains very strong. During the past academic year, the Library received 80 computers from the SGA, bringing the total number of public space computers to just over 200. Additionally, the IT department added 20 surface tablets, in addition to 20 laptops, for students to borrow from the Library Circulation Desk. These computers will enable more students to conduct research and complete assignments in a timely manner, as well as offer flexibility for students working in groups throughout the campus. Student Development continues to ensure that we were able to offer extended hours during final examination periods by financially supporting the “study til midnight” tradition at York College. The Library is very grateful for Vice President Vincent Banrey’s continued support and generosity.
Thank you to all of the departments that continue to support and help us serve the students better, including Academic Affairs, Student Development, the Student Government Association, Public Safety, Buildings and Grounds, and Campus Planning. We are grateful for your continued support. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Library faculty and staff for the tireless and invaluable work that they continue to do. Particularly commendable is the spirit of teamwork seen throughout our Library personnel. Please know that I truly appreciate your dedication.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class of June 2019! We look forward to welcoming back returning students and meeting freshmen in fall 2019. Best wishes for a restful summer holiday season!
—Professor Njoki Kinyatti, Chief Librarian
Congratulations to our College Assistants
We rely on our College Assistants at York College Library for their hard work and friendly, helpful demeanors at the Circulation & Reserves desk. This year, three of our College Assistants graduated with the Class of 2019, and we are proud of their accomplishments. Our heartfelt congratulations to Vandevika Chattergoon, Alana Pahlad, and Arileyda Pena! We would love for you all to stay, but we hope you find lucrative, satisfying careers in your chosen fields of study: Vandevika, in Information Systems; Alana, in Computer Science; and Arileyda, in Health Sciences. Thank you for all your hard work, and best wishes!
—York College Library
Professor Christina Miller Retires from York College Library
Professor Christina Miller is among a very select group of individuals who have contributed to the community of York College as both a student and as a member of the faculty. Before she became Professor Miller, Christina grew up in Queens in a family of New York City Firefighters. She graduated from York College in 1983 with a BA in Economics, “As a student at York College, I had the privilege of taking classes with fantastic professors - among them, Drs. William Divale, Eugene Levin, William Morton, Shirley Ostholm, and Peter Ranis, who I will never forget and who shaped my thinking forever. I also took a Spanish class with my mother (!!), who later earned a BS in Nursing from Hunter College. My years as a student at York can be best described in one word, as “nurturing.”
“As a librarian at York, I did what I could to ensure that current York students might also feel nurtured, and I know my colleagues did (and do) the same - that is why I loved York as a student and loved returning as a faculty member. It’s clear to me as I’ve interacted with students over the years that indeed most do recognize and appreciate this culture of nurturing. I hope they will remember their time at York as fondly as I do.”
Then in 1991, she graduated with a Master’s in Library Science from Queens College, CUNY. After working at Queens Public Library, Professor Miller joined the Library Department at York College as an adjunct and became the founding High School Librarian for Queens High School for the Sciences at York College (QHSSYC) when it opened in 2002. Soon after, Professor Miller had earned her Certification as a School Media Specialist and followed this up with a second Master’s in Literacy Education focusing on grades 5-12. By 2008 Professor Miller was fully prepared to design an information literacy program that would support high school students as they transitioned to college, and when she took on this new full-time role it was unique within CUNY.[1]
In addition to her dedication to instruction and growing body of research, Professor Miller guided the development of the Juvenile and Young Adult collections, the Reference Collection, and a variety of subject specialties including Anthropology. When York launched a major in Journalism, she consulted with Professor Glenn Lewis to ensure the library’s collection grew to fully support the program. For several years she worked on the Common Reader Program at the invitation of Professor Anamika Megwalu and under the direction of Dr. Cynthia Haller. This team of York professors focused on nurturing the practice of critical reading, integrating information literacy into the curricula, and building a learning community.[2] Professor Miller presented locally and internationally, acquired grants from the NEH, and was a lead editor of this very newsletter. Therefore, it was truly bittersweet when in the Spring of 2018 she announced that she would be taking Travia in the Fall of 2018 leading to her retirement.
Throughout her time here Professor Miller became an integral part of the department and the college, unofficially mentoring those of us who joined the department after her and always bringing a truly collegial, one might even say jovial, sense to the work day. We are all glad that she will now be able to share retirement with her husband Dr. Scott Miller, and have more time for their three children, Elizabeth who has a career as a nurse, Stephanie who became an English Professor, and Scott who joined the New York City Fire Department. Christina’s continued dedication to the library can still be seen as she continues to take on special projects in her retirement such as overseeing the reconfiguration of the Juvenile and Young Adult collections this past year. While York College will never be the same without her, it will always be better because of her.
To paraphrase Truman Capote: "she had only one fault: she was perfect. Otherwise, she was perfect."
—Todd Simpson, Assistant Professor, Reference & High School
[1] Miller, Christina, and John A. Drobnicki. (2015). York College library’s school media specialist: A new library model for easing the transition from high school to college. In Enhancing teaching and learning in the 21st-century academic library: Successful innovations that make a difference, edited by Bradford Lee Eden, 91-102. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. https://academicworks.cuny.edu/yc_pubs/6/
[2] Megwalu, A., Miller, C., & Haller, C. (2017). The Library and the Common Reader Program: A Collaborative Effort to College Transition. Reference Services Review. 45(3), 440-453. https://doi.org/10.1108/RSR-11-2016-0081
In Memoriam: George M. Bailey, York’s First Chief Librarian
In 1968, George M. Bailey was in his fifth year as Executive Secretary of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), while York College (founded in October 1966) was about to begin its second academic year. Since the York Library was located in the basement of the Queensborough Community College Library, it made sense that during its first year, the Queensborough Chief Librarian (Charles Pappalardo) oversaw the York Library. But York needed its own Library leadership, so the college recruited George Bailey to become its first Chief Librarian, and also hired two additional Library faculty members, doubling the number of librarians from three in its first year to six in the second.
Bailey had earned a BA in History (1946) from Franklin and Marshall College, and an MA in History (1947) from the University of Pennsylvania, and taught History at Franklin and Marshall, Heidelberg College, and the University of Wisconsin. He then earned an MA in Library Science (1953) from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and began his career in librarianship, working at the University of California at Berkeley (1953-1955), UC Davis (1955-1959), and Northwestern (1959-1963), before taking the position at ACRL (1963-1968).
During his time as Professor & Chief Librarian at York (1968-1971), Bailey remained active in national and regional library organizations, serving as chair of ALA’s Cooperative Reference Services Committee, and giving presentations around the US, including talks at Rice University (“The Humanities and the Modern Library”) and at Rutgers, both in 1969. Among his publications were articles in Illinois Libraries (“Demands on College and University Libraries Facilities in Metropolitan Centers”), Drexel Library Quarterly (“The Role of the Standards”), Rice University Studies (“The Dream of the Future”), and a chapter co-authored with Jay K. Lucker (“College and University Libraries”) in Planning for a Nationwide System of Library Statistics (Washington, DC: National Center for Educational Statistics). Bailey also compiled Directory of Cooperative Reference Service Programs: A Preliminary Edition (Chicago: American Library Association, 1972).
As a brand new institution, some in the York College administration chafed at Bailey’s off-campus activities, and he also had some disagreements with city and college administrators about the budget and his requests for more personnel. During a 2005 telephone interview that I conducted with him, Bailey said that he purchased about 45,000 volumes to build the Library’s original core collection, and recalled being lambasted at a meeting by New York City Mayor John V. Lindsey, who said that he could go down the street and buy books for five cents each. Some of his staffing requests were granted, however, and the Library added two additional faculty lines, bringing the number of librarians to eight. The Special Middle States Evaluation Team that visited York in 1970 for its accreditation noted that, “The library has moved quickly to develop an excellent early collection… [and] the library is well managed and has a strong service orientation with respect to faculty and students.”
Professor Bailey left York in the summer of 1971, before the college moved to Jamaica, and he went on to have a long career in California as Associate Director of Libraries at The Claremont Colleges (1971-1989). After retiring, Bailey and his wife Claire, who had been a travel agent, became travel consultants and led the Pomona Travelers group (1990-2002), traveling the world together. Having met in 1949 and been together for nearly seventy years, it seems like fate that George and Claire Bailey died a week apart from each other. According to a joint obituary in the Claremont Courier, George died at age 94 on July 31, 2018, and Claire died at age 92 on August 6, 2018. The York Library faculty members who came after Professor Bailey are left to ponder what might have been, had he stayed here.
—John A. Drobnicki, Professor & Acquisitions Librarian
In Memoriam: Robert Machalow, York’s Longest-Serving Chief Librarian
The last day of the spring semester is usually a day of celebration, but this year in the York College Library it was anything but, for we received the truly sad and unexpected news that our friend and former colleague, Robert Machalow, had passed away on May 21, 2019.
Bob was initially hired on a Substitute line in 1982 by Chief Librarian Gladys Jarrett while another librarian, Marta Franco, was on a leave of absence. His performance was obviously impressive, since he was later able to move to a tenure track line. During his thirty-two-year career at York, Professor Machalow held just about every job in the Library, overseeing (at various times) Serials, Systems, Bibliographic Instruction, Interlibrary Loan, Circulation, Reserve, Archives, and the Curriculum Materials Center. From 1992 to 2007, he served as Chief Librarian and Chair of the Library Department. He also taught as an adjunct in the English Department for several years. A prolific writer and scholar, he rose through the ranks and was promoted to full Professor, and upon his retirement was made Professor Emeritus.
A graduate of Stony Brook University (B.A., English), Indiana University (M.A., English), and Rutgers University (M.L.S., Library Science), Professor Machalow worked at several companies prior to his York career, including the H. W. Wilson Company, the Children’s Television Workshop, and the Foundation Center, as well as teaching English at the Brandeis School (Lawrence, NY) and Remedial Reading at Hudson County Community College. He also worked as a librarian at Hudson County Community College, as well as at Polytechnic Institute and the College of Mount St. Vincent.
Professor Machalow contributed a monthly column for several years in Computers in Libraries and also wrote articles in several other professional publications, such as the Reference Librarian and Library Software Review. He also authored five books on the use of software in libraries, including 101 Uses of Lotus in Libraries (Meckler, 1992), Using Microsoft Excel: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians (Neal-Schuman, 1991) and Using Microsoft Works: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians (Neal-Schuman, 1992). An inveterate tinkerer who was never afraid to get his hands dirty, Bob was equally comfortable behind the reference desk or taking apart a CPU, and he shepherded the Library from the card catalog era to the internet age.
Known for both his sense of humor and his bad puns – yes, when he was the Chief Librarian, he really did like to introduce himself as the “Cheap Librarian” – Bob made our jobs fun and interesting. And there were a lot of smiles in between the eye rolling. We were blessed to have known him, whether it was for many years or for just a short time. We will miss you, Professor Books.
—John A. Drobnicki, Professor & Acquisitions Librarian
The Changing Role of Academic Librarians in the Era of Open Science
Librarianship is a profession that is both very old and very modern. Intrinsically linked to literacy and knowledge, our profession has epitomized civilization and culture for centuries. Yet librarianship is very dynamic, too. Few other professions have been so deeply influenced by the development of new technologies and have resurrected and reinvented themselves accordingly. Libraries – especially academic libraries – have always been at the forefront of human progress, with their role shifting from providing access to scholarly literature toward assisting researchers in its creation. Under the Open Science framework, academic libraries have to adapt and expand their services to a new research and educational paradigm.
Open Science is often described as a multifaceted notion encompassing open access to publications, open research data, open source software, open collaboration, open peer review, open notebooks, open educational resources, open monographs, citizen science, or research crowdfunding in order to remove barriers in the sharing of scientific research output and raw data[1]. No doubt the Open Science movement is an effort to make scientific data a public good in contrast to the expansion of intellectual property rights over knowledge. Therefore, Open Science is more of a social and cultural phenomenon aiming to recover the founding principles of scientific research rather than an alternative form of knowledge exchange. Open access and open data are the two components with the biggest impact on academic library services and operations under the Open Science model. In this context, academic librarians have to take on new roles. In addition to libarians’ traditional role of providing access to primary and secondary resources, librarians can also maximize the research and educational potential of digital technologies and strive to provide open access to faculty creative works and data sets in institutional repositories. Academic institutions choose different approaches to ensure support for Open Science, but in all instances the academic librarians are entitled to play a central role by providing leadership, information services, research data management services, and even collaborating in research projects in their institutions. Academic librarians are enablers, promoters, mediators, and educators. They can offer guidance andtraining, not only in the exploratory stage of research, but also in providing metadata and other research data management services, hosting data in repositories and ensuring their long-term curation and preservation. In order to support open data driven research, academic librarians have re-invented themselves by expanding traditional library services and adopting new data science roles. This requires them to expand their qualifications beyond library science and subject degrees toward information technologies, data science, and data curation or e-science. Librarians have to acquire new knowledge and master new skills because the curation of digital resources differs from that of traditional materials. These processes have led to a deep transformation in librarians themselves, making them more technologically savvy, data oriented and active participants in the research process.
—Stefka Tzanova, Assistant Professor & Science Librarian
[1] Foster. (2017). What is Open Science? Introduction. Retrieved from https://www.fosteropenscience.eu/content/what-open-science-introduction
Is This Journal Peer Reviewed? Using EBSCO to Find Out
Since EBSCO databases contain a variety of sources – popular magazines, newspapers, academic journals, and peer reviewed academic journals – they are also a fairly easy way to check to see if a journal is peer reviewed. Each database has a “Publications” link in the upper left corner of the top toolbar, which contains information about the source publications that are indexed in that particular database. For example, here’s the link in EBSCO’s Academic Search Complete database:
If one checks the record for the ABA Journal in Academic Search Complete, one finds that the “peer reviewed” field in the EBSCO record says “no”:
If one checks the record for the Reference Librarian in EBSCO’s Library & Information Science Source, one finds that the “peer reviewed” field in the record says “yes”:
The Library also provides access to The Serials Directory database from EBSCO, which unfortunately does not contain information on every publication contained in the various EBSCO databases – so it can still be useful to check the individual subject databases, especially if the title that one is checking is not listed in The Serials Directory. For example, the Columbia Journalism Review is not listed in The Serials Directory, but it is listed under “Publications” in Academic Search Complete – although it is a widely respected and important source, it is not peer reviewed. For some reason, although The Serials Directory will say if a journal is peer reviewed, it doesn’t explicitly say that a publication is not peer reviewed – rather, The Serials Directory just omits the peer reviewed field altogether if the title is not peer reviewed.
If one has a valid library card from the New York Public Library, one can also access Ulrichsweb, which provides detailed information on over 300,000 periodicals, including whether or not a title is peer reviewed.
—John A. Drobnicki, Professor & Acquisitions Librarian
York College Library's IT Project Deployment
Thanks to a successful collaboration with the Information Technology department, Buildings & Grounds department, and support from the Student Government Association there were several improvement projects completed in York College Library throughout the 2018-2019 school year. These projects included significantly expanding the number of computers available to students, the addition of an online reservation system, and an update and reconfiguration of the Copy Center to make it more user-friendly.
Throughout the Fall 2018 term, 42 new computer workstations were added to the 2nd floor, 38 were added to the 3rd floor, and 20 Surface Pro Tablets were added to the existing pool of laptops that are available for students to check-out from the Circulation & Reserve desk. The Center for Students with Disabilities arranged for four additional CCTV’s, which can increase print size and change background colors, to be made available.
In the Spring 2019 term, CardinalReserve, the much anticipated online reservation system was launched. York students can now reserve a computer workstation or a group study room up to seven days in advance and ensure that the resources they need will be available when they come to the library. With their network credentials, students can make reservations on or off-campus using a smartphone, computer, tablet, or by visiting the Circulation & Reserve desk where a newly installed kiosk has been made available. Circulation Staff are readily available to help navigating use of the kiosk and answer questions about use of CardinalReserve, as well as to check-out keys for when group study rooms have been reserved. The CardinalReserve system also provides a live map indicating which computer workstations are available for immediate use.
Due to the very high demand and use of scanners, three additional scanners were added to the Copy Center. Students can use these scanners to send digitized content in a variety of formats to their email, upload to a Google Docs account, save to a USB drive, or send to a smartphone. The addition of these scanners required a creative reconfiguration of the space which already saw a high amount of traffic. IT staff and the library’s IT coordinator worked collaboratively to give this area a much needed make-over; copiers, print release stations, color printers, and scanners were all relocated each to their own zones organized in a way that is much easier to navigate.
These updates to and expansion of library services for students would not have been possible without the hard work, vision, and dedication of Mr. Greg Vega of the Information Technology Department, Mr. Mahamed Hanif the Electrician Supervisor from Buildings & Grounds, Mr. Jahed Sarwar the Library’s IT Coordinator, and the Student Government Association.
—Mohammed J. Sarwar, Systems Administrator
Tablet Circulation Policy
The library is delighted to provide tablets for loan to York students. The Surface Pro tablets are available for current York students only, since the funding for the tablets was provided for by the York Student Government Association, which is funded by York student fees.
The Surface Pro tablets run Windows 10, and include the following applications:
The tablets are loaned out for two hours at a time, with the option to renew once. If a tablet is returned late, the borrower will be fined at a rate of $0.25/minute or $15.00/hour; the replacement cost is $1,200.00. Before checking out the tablet, the student must fill out a form to agree to take care of the tablet, return it on time, and accept responsibility for any fines if the tablet is returned late.
—Professor Scott Sheidlower, Head of Circulation
Plant Revitalization Project: Looking Lush & Leafy in the Library
Millennials have been blamed for killing a lot of industries[1] (razors, weddings, casual dining, golf, mayonnaise), but definitely not houseplants[2]. Maybe it’s that Instagram aesthetic[3]; maybe they’re just filling a void in their hearts[4] where kids or homeownership[5] would be. Whatever the reason, millennials really love plants[6]. Even NASA supports the idea that common houseplants can have a beneficial effect on air quality[7], and other research suggests that indoor plants can possibly help alleviate the effects of Sick Building Syndrome[8].
York College Library may not have an active renovations budget, but we do have an abundance of lush tropical plants. Over the years, the library’s plants have mostly thrived—and sometimes just barely survived through periods of neglect. As part of an effort to improve our space and indoor environment, we have recommitted to taking care of our leafy friends, and—under the care of Travis Hilton—they are truly flourishing. Notably, the peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) have been flowering happily since January, the Ming aralia (Polyscias fruticosa) has put out numerous lacy leaves, and the philodendron tree (Philodendron bipinnatifidum) keeps sending out new fronds and self-propagating baby plants along the base of its trunk.
Behind the scenes, we are tending to fresh cuttings and new clones of our existing specimens in order to increase the spread of indoor plants throughout the library. We like to think our collection of library plants can lead to cleaner indoor air, help boost idea generation, enhance problem-solving skills, and improve the overall ambience of our shared space.
The library staff will be taking care of these plants so please don't water them or feed them any snacks, but we hope you will enjoy their appearance throughout York Library.
—Meredith Powers, Instructor & Eresources Librarian
[1] Taylor, K. (2019, February 1). Millennials and their spending habits are wreaking havoc on these 18 industries. Retrieved from https://www.businessinsider.com/millennials-hurt-industries-sales-2018-10
[2] Boyle, M. (2019, April 11). The One Thing Millennials Haven’t Killed Is Houseplants. Retrieved from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-04-11/the-one-thing-millennials-haven-t-killed-is-houseplants
[3] Tolentino, J. (2019, April 18). The Leafy Love Affair Between Millennials and Houseplants. Retrieved from https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/the-leafy-love-affair-between-millennials-and-our-houseplants
[4] Ramanathan, L. (2017, September 7). Millennials are filling their homes — and the void in their hearts — with houseplants. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/young-urbanites-are-filling-their-homes-and-the-void-in-their-hearts-with-houseplants/2017/09/06/ec98993c-89c8-11e7-961d-2f373b3977ee_story.html
[5] Boone, L. (2018, July 24). They don’t own homes. They don't have kids. Why millennials are plant addicts. Retrieved from https://www.latimes.com/home/la-hm-millennials-plant-parents-20180724-story.html
[6] Hoffower, H. (2019, April 12). Millennials really love plants. Retrieved from https://www.businessinsider.com/millennials-really-love-plants-2019-4
[7] Wolverton, B. C., Johnson, A., & Bounds, K. (1989). Interior landscape plants for indoor air pollution abatement. Retrieved from https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19930073077
[8] Torpy, F. (2013, July 10). Sick Building Syndrome: how indoor plants can help clear the air. Retrieved from https://www.uts.edu.au/about/faculty-science/news-and-event-archive/news/sick-building-syndrome-how-indoor-plants-can-help
Not Just Cataloging
The Cataloging Department had a busy time last year and we expect more of the same for the coming year. In order to prepare Aleph records for a smooth migration to the next library services platform (LSP), the CUNY Office of Library Services (OLS) launched a series of Aleph catalog optimization projects. Thanks to the efforts of Ms. Rose Dunne and Mr. Lesly Previl, as well as the Circulation and Reserve Department, we have already accomplished five of the eight major projects: “Local Fields for Clean-up,” “Collection Code and Circulation Policy Synchronization,” “Duplicate Holding Records,” “Printed & Electronic Records,” and “Items without Collection Codes.”
Ms. Dunne is an Administrative Assistant and mainly responsible for processing COUTTS shelf-ready books and donations that have been cataloged. Mr. Previl is a CUNY Office Assistant and taking care of serials’ check-in and check-out. This year, he is actively engaged himself in professional development provided by CUNY Human Resources or OLS. They worked together closely and went downstairs and upstairs a few times, verifying book call numbers, titles and years against corresponding information on the list in their hands, checking every possible location and identifying those books that were recorded as LOST (LO) or LOST/PAID (LP) in the system. They discovered more than one hundred LO and LP books! Those books could be deleted from the library system because they were considered as “lost books.” Currently, the cataloging department is working on reviewing “Suppressed Records.” A successful migration will not mean an end of our story. Continuous effort will be required to make sure that our work is meeting the new LSP’s needs and fulfilling its mission in the future.
As one of the Library Association of City University of New York (LACUNY) Professional Development Travel Grant recipients, I attended 2019 American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Conference on January 25th-29th in Seattle. This was my first time to travel to the west coast. Although the ALA Midwinter Conference is held for committees to get together to handle internal business and prepare for the summer annual conference, it still offers very interesting programs. I attended ten of them, covering topics from meeting patrons’ needs to innovation in education. I am very grateful to the support that LACUNY provided to its members, which indeed helps update my knowledge in today’s fast changing world.
—Junli Diao, Assistant Professor, Cataloging & Serials
Reading This I Believe at York College
During the 2018-19 academic year, students read selections from a collection of online, open access essays: NPR’s This I Believe. The change in format is related to the launch of a new initiative for first-year students, in which all incoming first-year students participate in an online peer community led by trained peer leaders. York’s Common Reader Program became part of this new initiative.
Laura Pugliese from York College Office of Institutional Advancement designed posters and postcards for the Library's display. Students were invited to contribute to the exhibit by sharing the way they view and engage with the world on postcards that were added to the exhibit, and Professor Todd Simpson curated a collection of memoirs and first-person essays to accompany the display.
—Meredith Powers, Instructor & Eresources Librarian
Revolution in the Rearview: A Look Back at the 60s
We hope you enjoyed the collective efforts of the Library faculty in creating the exhibit that was featured during the 2018-2019 academic year, which centered on the most influential parts of the 1960s, a pivotal decade in so many areas.
Revolution in the Rear View: A Look Back at the 60s touched on themes of idealism and alienation, rebellion and backlash, peaceful protests and political assassinations. The display featured a selection of materials from and about the 1960s, including pop culture references to music, film, and television; books on the Civil Rights movement; reports of student demonstrations; examples of advances in technology; books on scientific and artistic achievements; notes on acid experimentation; political magazines from the era; biographical memoirs from global leftist movements; imagery from the Vietnam protests; and more.
The exhibit was located on the main floor of the York College Library in the display cases outside the Library’s Administrative Office (3G05).
—Meredith Powers, Instructor & Eresources Librarian
Library Faculty Scholarship & Creative Works
Powers, M. & Costello, L. (2019). Reaching diverse audiences with virtual reference & instruction: A practical guide for librarians. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
book chapters
Simpson, T. (2019). Roots reimagined. In B. Jack (Ed.), Southern History on Screen: Race and Rights, 1976-2016. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press, 119-136.
peer-reviewed journal articles
Brown, R., & Sheidlower, S. (2019). Claiming our space: A quantitative and qualitative picture of disabled librarians. Library Trends, 67(3), 471-486.
Diao, J. (2018). Evolution of western library catalogs: The rising expectation of users. International Journal of Librarianship, 3(1), 78-93.
Diao, J. (2019). In search of China’s first library: Materials, housing, and arrangement. Library & Information History, 35(1), 21–39.
Simpson, T. (2019, January 20). Gale's Student Resources in Context. The Charleston Advisor, 31-33.
encyclopedia articles
Drobnicki, J. A. (2019). Electric guitar. In R. Welch & P. A. Lamphier (Eds.), Technical innovation in American history: An encyclopedia of science and technology (Vol. 2, pp. 270-271). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Drobnicki, J. A. (2019). Paul, Les (1915-2009). In R. Welch & P. A. Lamphier (Eds.), Technical Innovation in American history: An encyclopedia of science and technology (Vol. 2, pp. 304-305). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Drobnicki, J. A. (2019). Stevens, Robert Livingston (1787-1856). In R. Welch & P. A. Lamphier (Eds.), Technical innovation in American history: An encyclopedia of science and technology (Vol. 1, pp. 292-294). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Tzanova, S. (2019). Abbe, Cleveland (1838-1916). In R. Welch & P. A. Lamphier (Eds.), Technical innovation in American history: An encyclopedia of science and technology (Vol. 2, pp. 7). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Tzanova, S. (2019). Burglar alarm. In R. Welch & P. A. Lamphier (Eds.), Technical innovation in American history: An encyclopedia of science and technology (Vol. 1, pp. 189). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Tzanova, S. (2019). Cotton candy machine. In R. Welch & P. A. Lamphier (Eds.), Technical innovation in American history: An encyclopedia of science and technology (Vol. 2, pp. 45). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Tzanova, S. (2019). Dental chair. In R. Welch & P. A. Lamphier (Eds.), Technical innovation in American history: An encyclopedia of science and technology (Vol. 1, pp. 219). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Tzanova, S. (2019). Fire hydrant. In R. Welch & P. A. Lamphier (Eds.), Technical innovation in American history: An encyclopedia of science and technology (Vol. 1, pp. 109-110). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Tzanova, S. (2019). Inverted microscope. In R. Welch & P. A. Lamphier (Eds.), Technical innovation in American history: An encyclopedia of science and technology (Vol. 1, pp. 183). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Tzanova, S. (2019). Printing telegraph. In R. Welch & P. A. Lamphier (Eds.), Technical innovation in American history: An encyclopedia of science and technology (Vol. 1, pp. 271-272). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
other articles
Diao, J. (2019). Wikipedia, socialpedia, and randompedia: How could I play by the rules when there aren’t any? Journal of New Librarianship, 4: 149-155.
Nielsen, T. (2018). Revising my definition of career success. Information Outlook, 22(5), 35, 37.
grants and awards
Diao, J. (2019). PSC-CUNY. Cataloging and Wikipedia. $3,120.
Diao, J. (2018). LACUNY Professional Development Committee. LACUNY PDC Travel Grant Award. $600.
book reviews
Drobnicki, J. A. (2018, August). [Review of the book Jewish Germany: An enduring presence from the fourth to the twenty-first century, by D. Levinson]. Choice, 55(12), 1517.
Drobnicki, J. A. (2018). [Review of the book Soap from human fat: The case of professor Spanner, by M. Tomkiewicz & P. Semków]. CUNY Academic Works. Retrieved from https://academicworks.cuny.edu/yc_pubs/215/
Powers M. (2018). [Review of the book Still Waters: The Secret World of Lakes by C. Stager]. Library Journal, 143(8):80-83.
Powers, M. (2018). [Review of the book The Sex Pistols—1977: The Bollocks Diaries]. Library Journal, 143(14), 60.
Simpson, T. (2018). [Review of the book The Historical Dictionary of Postmodernist Literature and Theater (Ed.) F. Mason]. American Reference Books Annual, 385-386.
Simpson, T. (2018). [Review of the book The Routledge Dictionary of Performance and Contemporary Theatre by P. Pavis, translated by A. Brown]. American Reference Books Annual, 385-386.
Tzanova, S. (2019, March 22). [Review of the book The Digital and the Real World: Computational Foundations of Mathematics, Science, Technology, and Philosophy by K. Mainzer]. Computing Reviews.
Tzanova, S. (2018, September 6). [Review of the book Complete Guide to Open Source Big Data Stacks by M. Frampton]. Computing Reviews.
Tzanova, S. (2018, June 21). [Review of the book Bioinformatics for Evolutionary Biologists: A Problems Approach by B.Haubold & A. Borsch-Haubold]. Computing Reviews.
Tzanova, S. (2018, June 21). [Review of the book Robot Proof: Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by J. Aoun]. Computing Reviews.
Brown, R., Craigo, L., & Sheidlower, S. (Co-presenters). (2019, March 29). An interactive conversation about ability. Panel at the Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Conference, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY.
Diao, J. (2018, December 21). From a practitioner librarian to a practitioner researcher: My personal experience. Presented at LACUNY Junior Faculty & Research Roundtable.
Diao, J. (2018). Wikipedia 101: How to use it in a smart way. Presented in collaboration with CETLE, York College, CUNY, Jamaica, NY.
Diao, J. (2018, May 16). Incorporate Web pictures in information literacy class to motivate students learning: A class lead-in activity. Presented at the METRO Reference and Instruction Meetup Library Lesson Lab, New York, NY.
Diao, J., Drobnicki, J., Kinyatti, N., Powers, M., Simpson, T., & Tzanova, S. (Co-presenters). (2019, February). Welcome to the York College Library. Presented at a York College Professor 101 session, York College, CUNY, Jamaica, NY.
Lym, B., Miller, M., Sheidlower, S., Smith, S., & Yearwood, S. (Co-presenters). (2019, May 13). No librarian stands alone: A CUNY libraries mentoring town hall. Professional development event sponsored by the CUNY Council of Chief Librarians, held at LaGuardia Community College, Long Island City, NY.
Powers, M. (2018, July 12). Research practice: Using library resources. Presented for the Undergraduate Summer Research Program, York College, CUNY, Jamaica, NY.
Powers, M. (2018, June 24). ALA Sustainability Round Table orientation: Lightning rounds! (Moderator). Presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Tzanova, S. (2018, August). Welcome to the York College Library. Presented at Occupational Therapy New Students Orientation, York College, CUNY, Jamaica, NY.
Vaigneur, T. L., Jr., & Sheidlower, S. (Co-presenters). (2018, November 8). Is social media the new spotlight for disability exposure? Presented at the Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association, Baltimore, MD.
blog posts
Su, D. (2018 December 4). (Information Literacy @ CUNY). The Power of PowerPoint. Retrieved from
Tzanova, S. (2019, June 4). (Open @ CUNY). Open Science: An Academic Librarian’s Perspective. Retrieved from https://openatcuny.commons.gc.cuny.edu/2019/06/04/open-science-an-academic-librarians-perspective/
research guides
Diao, J. (2018). Wikipedia: To use or not to use? Retrieved from http://libguides.york.cuny.edu/Wikipedia
Diao, J. (2019). LGBTQ materials at York College Library. Retrieved from http://libguides.york.cuny.edu/c.php?g=907930
Su, D. (2019). Library Assessment. Retrieved from http://libguides.york.cuny.edu/libraryassessment
Tzanova, S. (2019). Astronomy. Retrieved from http://libguides.york.cuny.edu/astronomy
Tzanova, S. (2019). Environmental science. Retrieved from http://libguides.york.cuny.edu/environmentsci
library exhibits
Drobnicki, J. A. (2017-). Faculty book display (Ongoing). [Library exhibit]. York College Library, Jamaica, NY.
Powers, M. (2018). This I believe: York College Common Reader Program [Library exhibit and book display]. York College Library, Jamaica, NY.
Simpson, T., & Powers, M. (2018). Revolution in the rear view: A look back at the 60s [Library exhibit]. York College Library, Jamaica, NY.
book displays
Simpson, T. (2018). Selections from the collection of personal essays [Book display]. York College Library, Jamaica, NY.
Simpson, T. (2019). Read black: Selections from new acquisitions in honor of black history month [Book display]. York College Library, Jamaica, NY.
Powers, M. (2019). Florals for spring: Selections from the collection of botanical arts [Book display]. York College Library, Jamaica, NY.