If you need to locate a journal in a specific subject area, or if you know the specific title of a journal you would like to search within, begin at York's E-Journal portal. To browse by title simply enter the title of the journal you are looking for, example: Dickens Quarterly, and hit the search button. If you would like to browse journal titles in a specific subject area, example: American Literature or Philology & Linguistics, go to the pull-down menu and select Languages & Literatures, then click on the subject heading of your choice.
To gain remote access to subscription-based databases use either VPN or EZproxy:
VPN - Student Faculty/Staff
CUNY Login - Firstname.LastnameNN@login.cuny.edu, where “NN” is the last 2 digits of your CUNY EMPL ID
IT Help Desk - (718) 262-5300, 5311