This libguide will help you finding OER related materials in different disciplines.
What is OER? Why OER? Why now?
“Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning, and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise - that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits no-cost access, use adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restriction” (Hewlett Foundation). OER typically refers to educational resources released under Creative Commons license and are typically available in electronic format. OERs can include, but are not limited to, textbooks, course readings, syllabi, lesson plans, tests, quizzes, games, data sets, and virtually any other materials used for educational purposes. OERs provide access, affordability, and education equity and have proven to have a crucial impact on student retention. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, textbook costs rose 82% between 2002 and 2012, despite the fact that the Consumer Price Index rose only 28% during the same period. This can result in students selecting courses and majors based solely on textbook costs.
CUNY embraced the OER initiative in 2010 when six community colleges were the first to establish “zero textbook” courses. Thanks to a $4 million grant from the State of New York, in the Summer of 2017, CUNY Libraries at all campuses were able to join the OER movement and convert educational resources used in high enrollment courses to OER materials. The ultimate goal is to create “Zero Textbook Cost” degree programs.
See also OER libguide at